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Imogen's Maths A Tutor Group

  • RE: Sunrise and Sunset Photos


    posted in Matt
  • RE: How to...

    How to get the path for the folder containing a bash script within the bash script:

    # Get the directory where the script resides
    SCRIPT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)"
    echo $SCRIPTDIR
    posted in Matt
  • RE: How to...

    How to gather and group all tuple elements in a NextFlow channel by the first and second indexes of each tuple, perform a process on a file containing the first and second indices, and then reform the original channel by scattering:

    hc_ch = Channel.of(
        ['abc', 1, file('file1.txt')],
        ['abc', 1, file('file2.txt')],
        ['abc', 1, file('file3.txt')],
        ['def', 2, file('file4.txt')]
    combinedChannel = hc_ch.groupTuple(by: [0, 1])
    • Expected structure of combinedChannel:

    [ ['abc', 1, [file('file1.txt'), file('file2.txt'), file('file3.txt')]],
    ['def', 2, [file('file4.txt')]]

    process delete_txt {
        tuple val(id), val(sub_id), val(files) from combinedChannel
        tuple val(id), val(sub_id), val(files) into processedChannel
        rm ${id}_${sub_id}.txt
    • Expected structure of processedChannel:

    [ ['abc', 1, [file('file1.txt'), file('file2.txt'), file('file3.txt')]],
    ['def', 2, [file('file4.txt')]]

    flattenedChannel = processedChannel.flatMap { id, sub_id, files -> files.collect { [id, sub_id, it] } }
    • Expected structure of flattenedChannel:
      [ ['abc', 1, file('file1.txt')],
      ['abc', 1, file('file2.txt')],
      ['abc', 1, file('file3.txt')],
      ['def', 2, file('file4.txt')]
    posted in Matt
  • RE: Links posted in Matt
  • RE: Links posted in Matt
  • RE: Links posted in Matt